Bringing hope to the people
To contribute to the socio economic development of the nation by undertaking development work in the area of primary education, health care, skill development and conservation with focus on the vulnerable section of society.
- To promote primary and secondary education by organizing classes for the needy children, provision of scholarships and distribution of study materials.
- To promote holistic development of Women and children through innovative programs. To promote women empowerment and women emancipation. Integrated child development activities like nutrition, creche for working mothers, play school etc.
- To promote sanitation and safe drinking water and supporting the Swatch Bharat Mission activities like building toilets, waste disposal etc.
- To organize community development programs in urban and rural areas.
- To promote affordable Geriatric care and rehabilitation care for senior citizens. Promote alternative medicine, naturopathy, Yoga and Ayurveda.
- To undertake activities relating to environmental protection and sustainable development.
Significant activities undertaken by the Foundation
In 2020, the organization visited slum areas in Delhi NCR and motivated families and children to enroll their children in schools. This helped 150 kids join the mainstream of society. Some of these children were drug addicts or involved in criminal activities. This also included girls who were forced by their parents to work.
During the covid pandemic, in May and June 2020 the foundation distributed food, water and medicine to the migrant workers who were walking back in large numbers.
The foundation and its volunteers regularly visit nearby slums in Delhi and conduct mobile classes for children who are unable to come to them. In addition, the foundation has organized multiple free plantations through its program “DHARA PREMI”.

Loksarang Foundation
A world where everyone is free, safe, healthy, educated and self depended.